KH Interiors

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3 Exciting Interior Design Trends in 2024!

Happy New Year guys, I hope you had the best start to your new year and are still on track with your new years resolutions. Whilst I tend to stay away from designing from a place of what is trending, reading through this years trends has got me really excited because I not only feel like it aligns with our brand’s message it encourages more sustainability and individuality. So without further ado lets break three trends we are excited about:

1. Personalisation: Your Home, Your Style

My favourite trend for this year has got to be creating more lived in homes, yes pinterest and instagram are great for ideas but that doesn’t mean our homes have to look like this, the truth is real life is messy and is not always curated like the styled images we see, that’s why creating unique homes and safe spaces is an important priority for us here at KH Interiors.

This personalisation trend encourages homeowners to create places that truly reflect who they are and their unique tastes. The irony of this is to not be led by trends but be led by what brings you joy,our homes should truly be a place to express our individuality.

2. The Power of Color: A Vibrant Palette for Well-Being

Since the pandemic, yes I’m still talking about the pandemic more people than ever have are embraced colour. No wonder why it is a huge trend for 2024, colour has a psychological effect on our moods and mindset. The colour brown will be having its moment in the spotlight this year, as a grounding colour when done right brown can evoke that warmth and cosy feeling most of us want to feel when we are at home.

We recently had the pleasure of creating concepts for a client who loved the pastel palette all across her home (above image) and in doing this we were able to inject the fun and energising element she wanted in her space.

3. Bringing in the old: Vintage Finds

I feel like this has always been a well known secret in the design industry if you want to bring character into your space add older pieces, they not only add visual interest but vintage items truly add character to modern spaces especially. Flea markets and websites like 1st dibs are great places to source vintage items.

This trend will also you allow to save money especially if you are repurposing passed down furniture and allow you to be more environmentally conscious.

I hope this post has been helpful and informative, what trends are you excited about?

Pictures source: Unsplash & KH Interiors Portfolio