Hello Spring 2022 (3 Spaces to Declutter Today)

I have procrastinated for so long to get back into writing, some of you might be familiar with my online journey, I started off with a blog (I won’t disclose names just in case you google it ha!)  where I documented DIY hacks, shared lifestyle content and travel tips. The blog section of the website will help to answer your design questions, document the projects that I am working on and sharing tips and tricks to create affordable interior solutions.  

This brings me on to this new season we are in SPRING!!  There is something about spring that symbolises a new start, nature informs us as trees get ready for the growing season, it is also evident in our homes as we are more inclined to change the layout of a room, switch the paint colour & declutter. 

Spring as you know is the perfect time to get organised and get your “spring cleaning” started, in today’s post I will be sharing with you 3 spaces that you can declutter TODAY! 

  1. Wardrobe/Closet - As we put away our winter clothes and bring out our spring/summer wardrobe take this time to sort through your clothes and sort through what you really want and what you don’t need anymore. You can earn extra money by selling online or donating to a local charity. In the words of Marie Kondo “only keep what sparks joy.” 

  2. Paperwork - The next space to declutter would be wherever you keep your paperwork whether that’s in your office or bedroom it’s important to declutter this as it’s often forgotten and paperwork has a habit of piling up ! If you can get on top of that paperwork it will do wonders for your mental health. 

  3. Phone - The last place, and you didn’t see it coming is decluttering your phone !  You might be thinking is this a space, yes it is ! It’s the space we spend a lot of time on hence why it’s important to go through it and have a declutter. I encourage you to go through your photos / notes/ apps and get rid of anything that you don’t need. Not only will your storage thank you, but you have the space to capture more memories. 

I find that what decluttering does is much more than aesthetics, it personally provides me with mental clarity as I am a firm believer in your space reflects your head space. 

Can you see why Spring is my favourite season, what’s your favourite season?

If you need help and don’t know where to start with your decluttering journey, I’ll be more than happy to help. 

Have a beautiful day X 

Photo Credit for all images: Unsplash.com
