5 IDEAS TO MAINTAIN A CLEAN HOME - (new year, new you!)

In the spirit of new year new you!, this post has been inspired by the new year and the resolutions we set to keep ourselves on track for the rest of the year. Like the saying goes, “cluttered space cluttered mind”, today’s post will be sharing 5 ideas that can help you maintain a clean home.

1. Tidy the night before - for those of you who don’t know, I used to work in retail (IKEA) for 6years, we would clean up in the evening the last hour before the work day was done, and it just meant that the morning staff that came in the next day didn’t have to deal with yesterday’s mess. So using the same idea, tidying before going to bed makes a BIG difference to maintaining a clean home, plumping the cushions, hoovering, doing the dishes and putting them away those small things will ensure you start the next day on a clean slate.

2. Clean as you go - I’m sure we are all familiar with the phrase clean as you go, and this is usually related to the kitchen so you keep the worktops clear and tidy as you are cooking, this also works in the bathroom so after taking a shower instead of waiting to do a deep clean at the end of the week, just get into a habit of cleaning the bathroom daily, and that will drastically minimise your work load at the end of your week. 

3. Make it Fun -  if you have kids this will be the ideal time to get them involved with putting their toys away, see who can be the quickest at putting them away, or making their beds in the morning, you can also make tidying up fun for yourself by using this time to catch up on a podcast or listen to your favourite playlist. 

4. Put things away - as simple as this one is, it’s the one I am actively still practicing on a daily basis ha!, the idea is when you are done using something put it back, gone are the days of using the dressing table chair as the wardrobe it will take less than a minute to put it back where it should be, you can also apply this to spaces like the kitchen, as soon as you’re done with something put it back in the cabinet, getting into this habit will really help you to maintain a clean home. Remember I am still a woking progress when it come to this too! 

5. Everything should have a home - lastly have a home for everything e.g. books, paperwork, toys, chargers, etc I have shared in previous posts organisational hacks and storage solutions that will help you keep on top of everything and ensure you maintain a clean home. 

I hope you have found these ideas helpful, if you have don’t forget to let me know on the socials, or as usual if you need help implementing anything discussed in this post you can contact. 

Image Credit: Unsplash.com




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